Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Intensity does make a difference...

Yesterday I worked out with SPUF & burned 365 calories during our 50 minute session.  After leaving her, my hubby looked at the radar & I chose a bike route that would avoid the incoming rain.  I started at a different place than usual, one that would increase the number of miles, as well as throw in a few more hills for me.  I rode 20 miles & burned 895 calories!

Initially I was disappointed because I didn't understand how I could increase the miles, ride for 11 minutes longer, have a higher avg mph & still burn less calories than last Tuesday!!  The only clue was the avg & max heart rate, which were both lower.  I texted SPUF to find out the reason for all of this & she explained the ride wasn't as intense as last week's ride.  I would have to agree because I know I wasn't pushing as hard as I usually do, because I knew it was longer & more hills.  There is one particular killer hill that is of course near the end of the course...I must have been trying to save energy for it...but it sure didn't feel like I had any left by the time I got to the top!

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