Monday, October 25, 2010

Rode at a different park today

Today I went to a park that is farther away than the ones I usually go to.  I remember geocaching at this park about 1.5 years ago & I thought since I was up that way, I would give a try on the bike.  I rode 16 miles in 74 minutes and burned 778 calories!  My average heart rate was 135 and this was one of the highest calories burned per minute rides!  The difference??  Standing up when I went up the small hills!  I always assumed I would burn more calories by staying seated, as I can really feel it in the thigh muscles.  Wrong!  Standing up gives me more leverage, but it also increases the heart rate significantly more.

This course is relatively flat & about 1/3 of the way through, I noticed that even though I was out of breath, my heart rate wasn't getting up as high as it needs to in order to maximize the calorie burn.  Standing up didn't feel like THAT much more effort, yet it certainly increased the heart rate significantly!

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