Tuesday, November 9, 2010

2 hour bike ride = 1100+ calorie burn!

Today I went riding with my biking buddy who gave me tips on biking, physics & other good stuff!  We rode for 22.3 miles in a little more than 2 hours with a total calorie burn of 1171 calories!!  Along the way, she gave me tips on surviving hills, explained cadences, showed me how to put the chain back on my bike and used physics terms to help me understand the differences in hills (complex ones vs. straight inclines...who knew?).  Quite the wealth of knowledge, huh?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bike & Stairs...

Today I rode for 7 miles at park I have never biked at before & I also climbed the stairs, walked & jogged for 1 hour at the high school.  Total calories burned was 842.  I had a maximum heart rate of 170 on the stairs, but that doesn't seem possible, especially since my avg HR for the hour was only 126!  I don't remember being so completely out of breath as I have on some of my bike rides!  Very strange anomaly!

Monday, November 1, 2010

SPUF...this one's for you...

SPUF is off in a beautiful location...which means I am on my own this week.  She gave me an assignment & I finished 400 crunches, 50 pushups & 50 superwoman stretches in her honor.

Just Kiddin', SPUF!